Iris Perisa Software developer

See my projects

About me


Hey, I am Iris, an emerging software developer located in sunny Barcelona. Currently I am looking for an opportunity to learn and utilize my skills in software development. Before starting on my web development path with LeWagon I was working in customer care and support. My experiences have supported the development of my investigative and debugging skills. During the intensive 9 weeks with LeWagon I learned to code in Ruby and JavaScript. I started as a complete code newbie and now I have several web apps deployed, including my coding team's beautiful capstone project - you can check it out in the projects section. Now that the bootcamp is over I have the technical foundation to learn and build more. Familiarity I got with the Rails framework has given me the confidence to move into other frameworks, and programming languages.




During the last two weeks we created our final team project named Spotlight. It is a LinkedIn alike platform that connects artist and music labels.

While developing this project I learned about concepts of authorization and messaging. I also got acquainted with the Stimulus.

Rent a Chef

Rent a Chef

Team project where we created Rails Airbnb clone app named Rent a Chef. User can obtain or provide a chef’s service based on location or food type.

I learned about database seeding and migrations. I have learned new concepts such as authentication, geocoding and searching.



Watchlist allows users to create watchlists based on genre. This project is written in Ruby on Rails. App database is PostgreSQL and it is deployed on Heroku.

I have learned how to seed movies by using a 3rd party API. The application is fully responsive, powered by Bootstrap with custom CSS.

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